He s utd on everything and loads ties stands for farrier. And then others say that the eyes have to be painted or circled.
An uncommon pattern where the poll and ears are dark surrounded completely by white a true medicine hat pinto or paint usually has a predominantly white body.

Rare medicine hat paint horse. The pattern kinda looks like a hat. The horse looks like he has a tight cap on. The native american s believed these horses protected their riders and brought good luck.
These horses were reserved to the native medicine men at birth. Shaman s an ex pacer and knows how to pull a sulky. He has been used as a trail horse and has been to charity rides and does awesome.
Rare medicine hat pinto paint next ad. Prized by native american tribes of the great plains the medicine hat coloration was thought by some to indicate a horse with supernatural powers. She has an adorably sweet personality likes all people and animals and is a beautiful very rare medicine hat paint with blue eyes nice conformation her trot is like a gaited horse and is extremely smooth she is a dream on trail rides and in the arena she participated in several children s camps last summer and was very patient and kind.
War bonnet is a name given to horses of a similar pattern which exhibit less color usually having just a bonnet and very little if any other colored areas. I have for sale a very rare sabino medicine hat paint 2 1 2 yo gelding. Some say that the sides of the horse s face are opposite colors.
A medicine hat horse is not a horse of a particular breed but of a particular color. It s a medicine hat a pattern where the horse is almost entirely white except for color over his ears and perhaps around his eyes on the chest and at the tail base. Legend has the medicine hat horse appearing in native american culture being used as a ceremonial horse buffalo runner and a war horse.
He is super quiet in everything and is lovely and soft. Would make a perfect step up for a young rider who can give him a job. This is an unusual pinto pattern where the base of the horse is white but the ears and around the entire top of the head is brown black or roan.
However they seem to agree that a war bonnet horse or medicine hat horse has distinctive facial or head coloring usually a cap or bonnet that is different from the face. Medicine hat paints are mostly white with blue eyes and a patch of color that covers the horse s ears and poll looking like a hat. He is currently 14 2 hh and will end up about 15hh.
I have had him since he was 15 months old and have used natural horsemanship methods for all his training. Sabino a sabino paint horse sometimes does not even resemble a paint and looks more like a roan. Stallion for sale in sorrento fl.
While the rarest horse of this type is all white except for the head markings some also value those with a patch of color on their chests known as a war shield but at the end of the day a horse can be considered to have a medicine hat regardless of the other markings on its body.
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