Heartburn gas and bloating upset stomach. Taking medication during pregnancy.
Glytone benzoyl peroxide allergy.

Medicine you can take while pregnant. Safe medicine to take when pregnant. If you are pregnant and are using a medicine or were using one when you got pregnant check to see if there is a pregnancy exposure registry for that medicine. Certain otc drugs to avoid are aspirin bismuth subsalicylate ibuprofen and naproxen.
You need to be extra careful while taking over the counter medications as they can be purchased without a prescription. But steer clear of nsaids non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs which include ibuprofen advil and motrin and naproxen aleve. But mention these symptoms to your doctor to rule out conditions like pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of.
Safe medications to take during pregnancy. Acupuncture acupressure ginger root 250 milligram capsules 4 times a day and vitamin b6 pyridoxine 25 milligram two or three times a day work well. Nausea in early pregnancy.
Rashes and itchy skin can be treated with otc hydrocortisone cream during pregnancy. The food and drug administration has a list of pregnancy exposure registries that pregnant women can join. Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser.
If you have questions or concerns call your clinic or pharmacist. You and your healthcare provider can work through these factors and try to determine what course of action is best for both you and your baby. Diphenhydramine benadryl loratadine claritin steroid nasal spray rhinocort check with your doctor before taking these in the first.
Guaifenesin an expectorant hytuss mucinex naldecon senior ex robitussin. Please know that many women take prescription medication during pregnancy for necessary reasons like diabetes seizures depression anxiety and other medical conditions. Acetaminophen tylenol is okay to take for treating general aches pains and headaches.
These otc drugs may be associated with congenital heart defects when taken during the first trimester. While some of these medicines are a clear no during pregnancy some may be given by the doctor if they think the benefits outweigh the risks. Antacids for heartburn maalox mylanta rolaids tums simethicone for gas pains gas x maalox anti gas mylanta gas mylicon cough or cold.
Regular and extra strength tylenol acetaminophen a cold compress and rest can help alleviate muscle pain and headaches during pregnancy but if you need additional relief your. No medicine can be considered 100 percent safe to use during pregnancy.
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